
Articles / Eleazar Harash - wisdom

Master Beinsa Douno

Master Beinsa Douno: God Permitted Evil, But He Did Not Create It! (An Important Clarification for the Cliché That Everything Is from God)

In this article, we will explore the concept of free will, the misuse of free will, and the question of whether everything comes from God. In today's world, many people say, "everything is from God," but great spiritual Teachers have warned that this is categorically untrue. Often, passivity and a lack of discernment hide behind phrases like "everything is from God,"
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Eleazar Harash: For the awakened, comets are considered signs of balance and Freedom

For the awakened, comets are considered signs of balance and Freedom. For scientists, they are a sign of evil. They destroy their perceptions because those perceptions are false. According to Kabbalah, comets have a Mystical form: a head and a tail. Kabbalistically, this is one of the most powerful letters, connected to the Secret Name of God.
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Eleazar Harash

Eleazar Harash: The love, the wisdom and the truth are the roads who lead man to God

The True Speech is full of silence and Spirit. What is the path? – The eternal thirst for Truth. When you get to know what Love is, you become Life itself. The continuous thirst for truth is your guide in life. Don`t search for another.
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Eleazar Harash

12 priceless thoughts for every day by Eleazar Harash

Man is submissive to that reality for which he is awake. The speech is God's language and silence is His coziness.
Real help is always silent and sacred. Life requires a revival in the Word and in the Silence.
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Eleazar Harash

Eleazar Harash: Only the Truth Arranges Life

We have learnt to live within the words. However, there is something behind the words. The secret of a word is not hidden inside the word. The secret of a word is hidden in its depth. This depth is a Sacred Idea. This Sacred Idea is formed by the Spirit; and the Spirit flows from the Truth
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