
Eleazar Harash: The love, the wisdom and the truth are the roads who lead man to God

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The True Speech is full of silence and Spirit. What is the path? – The eternal thirst for Truth. When you get to know what Love is, you become Life itself. The continuous thirst for truth is your guide in life. Don`t search for another.

Everything that exalts you, is God`s call. The meaning you are searching in your eternal path excel your understandings.

Love is eternity in it there is no time. Love is Wisdom- in it there is no knowledge. God`s great love will preach only in full silence. God is jealous of those who love the truth, so he give them Peace and Wisdom. As long as you crave the Truth, the Spirit knows how to lead to the Freedom.

Every wise man has a sacred place within himself; this is the place of holy silence. The initiation is the Mystery of the hidden Life. Miracle is the miracle of the Eternal Life. Truth – this is a principle of achieving the secret of Life.

Through the Initiation, God absorbs the awakened man in His Light. The occult leadership is beyond the books or beyond lectures, it is beyond the given things, it is elusive. Only the Truth can radiate sacred revelation

When man knows himself, he becomes the Tree of Life. The true wise man is the substance of the Light of God. Your inner Voice keep in itself a thousand of secrets, but the most beautiful of them is the gospel of the narrow road. Life requires a revival of the Speech and Silence. Whoever worships the Truth discovers the Face ..., which is not the Face.

When you know you yourself, God will know you too. The shining fire creates the Holy name of God. The Holy name of God is the Truth. Disharmony is a law for higher level of harmony. The love, the wisdom and the truth are the roads who lead man to God.
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