Articles / Self-knowledge
Suggest an article06.01.2025
Mooji: The instant that you recognise the Unchanging, you are free (VIDEO)
But we have been very familiar with this voice from the mind. We have a relationship with it. It tells you what you should like and what you should not like. It has endless opinions about you and mostly they are believed to be true. And remember that belief is one of your most intimate powers. When you believe in something, you believe it into existence and it becomes your experience. If the mind does not get your belief, he has no power.
Daskalos: We are beings of light experiencing human existence
Daskalos, born Stylianos Atteshlis, is one of the most mystical figures in modern spiritual teaching and self-knowledge. Born in Cyprus, he dedicated his life to preserving and partially unveiling the secrets of the spiritual world and the path of human beings towards Theosis—the union with the Divine, the state of unity with God.
Master Beinsa Douno: God Permitted Evil, But He Did Not Create It! (An Important Clarification for the Cliché That Everything Is from God)
In this article, we will explore the concept of free will, the misuse of free will, and the question of whether everything comes from God. In today's world, many people say, "everything is from God," but great spiritual Teachers have warned that this is categorically untrue. Often, passivity and a lack of discernment hide behind phrases like "everything is from God,"
The Path to Divine Consciousness: Christ’s Revelation to His Disciples on the Mountain
Christ said to His disciples: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and be thrown into the sea." Whoever causes such sin, that is, whoever leads the young and fragile souls astray – this is the left path, which diverts man from the eternal path
The Universe Needs Living Souls, Not Carbon Copies and Replicas: How to Recognize an Old Soul?
The Universe thrives on the uniqueness of living souls, not on mere carbon copies or replicas. We live among individuals whose souls have incarnated in this world countless times over many, many centuries. But how can we recognize such a person in a crowd? How do we know if we are one of them?
Eckhart Tolle: The ego always desires something from others or from situations (VIDEO)
Eckhart Tolle's teachings on the ego offer profound insights into how our sense of self can become entangled with external forms, leading to suffering and discontent. Below are selected quotes that delve into the nature of the ego and its impact on our lives.
The ego, Tolle explains, is fundamentally an identification with form.
The ego, Tolle explains, is fundamentally an identification with form.
Love at First Sight is a Recognition from Past Lives
Love at first sight... How many attempts have been made to explain this phenomenon! To see someone for the first time and immediately fall in love. Often, completely rational people lose their composure because of love at first sight. This can happen in both youth and adulthood.
Deja-vu: Memories of the Future? Understanding the Phenomena of Deja-vu, Presque-vu, and Jamais-vu
From a mystical standpoint, deja-vu is viewed as a memory of the life one envisioned before birth. In this belief system, it is said that before a soul is born, it sees the course of its life and chooses specific challenges, the country of birth, family, and the people it will interact with. These choices are made based on the soul’s need for spiritual growth.
The Symbolism of the Number 12 according to Master Beinsa Douno
The number 12 marks the completion of evolution, symbolizing the final stage in the process of growth and transformation. It represents the culmination of efforts toward spiritual maturity.
What is the Connection Between Black Holes and the Brain?
The cosmic black hole is filled with time. The same is true of the vacuum. The vacuum is an empty space from which energy has been removed, but occasionally virtual particles—an electron and a positron, for example—will briefly emerge. These particles appear for such a short period of time that it cannot even be measured, which is why they are called virtual particles.
The Modern Soul and the Paradox of Freedom
The classical man trembled at the mere thought that perhaps God does not exist. For him, the most terrifying notion was the overwhelming possibility that there might be no God. In contrast, the modern man, steeped in sin and vice, is haunted by the opposite fear: that God might indeed exist.
Maurice Maeterlinck: The Mystical Wisdom of Bees - Goodness, Sacrifice and Devotion
The forces that impact us are often reflections of our own inner strengths—forces within us that we may not yet fully understand. This is why self-awareness and introspection are crucial for growth.
Maurice Maeterlinck's Appreciation for the Power of Silence as a Special Moment of Awareness
Maeterlinck believed that silence finds its most fertile ground in human humility. "Silence surrounds us on all sides," he remarked. "It is the foundation of our semi-conscious existence, and when one of us, trembling, knocks at one of the doors of the Abyss, it is always the same attentive silence that opens the Door."
Eleazar Harash: The love, the wisdom and the truth are the roads who lead man to God
The True Speech is full of silence and Spirit. What is the path? – The eternal thirst for Truth. When you get to know what Love is, you become Life itself. The continuous thirst for truth is your guide in life. Don`t search for another.
The eagle is one of the most ancient symbols of mankind and gives us a great example for transformation!
The secret of the eagle is that when it flies it leaves no traces. The eagle is a symbol of the height of the Word. Everyone will achieve it in their own way. When the eagle flies, the wings do not move, but it flies powerfully. This is the secret of the synthesis between movement and rest - a profound quality of the Spirit.
The relationship with Dao is deeper than a miracle. To find Dao, you need an Ancient Ability
"Dao" and "Tao" are both English transliterations of the same Chinese character "道", which can mean "way", "path", or "principle" and is central to Chinese philosophy and religion, especially Daoism/Taoism. The difference in their spelling stems from different systems of romanizing the Chinese language.
Eleazar Harash: Ancient Egypt is Atlantis's colony
Today we are going to talk about Atlantis. Here i would like to say ....Whatever happening ,it does not matter, your perception is important-it defines the end result. From a difficult situation, the event can easily turned into a simple one and vice versa, from simple one to a complicated one....Everything is a matter of the Secret of perception.
The shaman - that is the art of making things happen, but to make things happen in the sacred way
The shaman is the master in the spirit realm. The shaman goes deep within himself and communicates with them in real terms because he has dedicated himself to the sacred beginning. The shaman knows how to talk with the spirit people.
A Lesson About the Most Beautiful Thing
Once, the Master summoned his two disciples and asked them, “Tell me, which is the most beautiful thing in life?”
The first disciple answered, “The most beautiful thing in this world is water. If there were no water, beauty in this world would perish.”
The first disciple answered, “The most beautiful thing in this world is water. If there were no water, beauty in this world would perish.”
The balance between material and spiritual reveals the intelligence, love and will of man
Obviously, one is better prepared for life in matter than for spiritual life, because the tools he possesses to live and work on the physical plane - the five senses - are much more developed than the tools that allow him to work in the world of the Spirit.
If you decide to build a house, you need only a few weeks, whereas
If you decide to build a house, you need only a few weeks, whereas
What should you remember? There are three types of dark
Between the sensible Cosmos and the Immensity lies Horos - the Great Limit - the Almighty Power. Horus surrounds the elements of the intelligent Cosmos and holds it, by the reins of Fire. Chaos also came into existence by the Will of the great Mind. Order and Chaos - everything came from God.
Logic is a dangerous enemy of Truth because it does not see its fallacies and its imperfection
Wisdom is born when the mind dies. Wisdom looks behind the veil and sees; the mind divides, distinguishes. Wisdom collects in a single Harmony. What a vast Rest from our existence awaits us – but the Way is narrow…