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The power of the humility- 12 selected thoughts by Maurice Maeterlinck:
- Humility allows you to find to secret of your destiny.
- Humility is the eye of the inner life.
- Humility is the key to the secrecy and wisdom hidden in man.
- Humility reveals the true qualities of love and of your souls.
- Humility is appreciated in the silence in which we wash it.
- Humility allows us to distinguish those young among us, who are actually much older than ourselves.
- Humility gives inner understanding that soul can be touched the most strongly by a weak blowing than by storms. For them it is hidden in a sacrament.
- Humility reveals that purity is the most ancient mystical covenant.
- Humility shows that Death is a strange poetry, it is a something marvelous. There is no Death for the pure one.
- Humility reveals that Souls can be found only in purity.
- Whoever knows humility and silence acquires clarity.
- Humility helps restoring the memory of the spiritual beauty.