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The time of truth has arrived, and our curious reader finds themselves immersed in the world of the multiverse, where our universe coexists with other membranes—other parallel universes. In reality, there may be an infinite number of membrane universes, each governed by entirely different physical laws. A key feature of the multiverse is tied to a branch of physics known as membrane theory or brane cosmology.Membranes introduce an entirely new range of possibilities in the physics of extra dimensions. The particles, along with their quantum fields, confined to a membrane, will interact according to the distinct fundamental laws of that parallel universe. Protons, electrons, quarks, and all kinds of fundamental particles may be attached to a membrane, completely constructing the physics of that universe. By removing superstrings from the closed system of the membrane and replacing them with quantized fields located within the curvature of our membrane, caused by the vibrations of the strings of matter, we eliminate the need to rely on distortions concerning parallel universes to explain the laws of nature in their unique and complete form.
Our universe is an elegant creation, even if the physics and mathematics involved may seem overly complex. Simplicity suggests that the most likely solution is a membrane with gravity, rather than a connection between randomly generated supermembranes. Big Bang events will occur continuously, giving birth to new membranes. If there is an infinite number of universes, then there will be an infinite number of times when two membranes have collided to create a Big Bang—just like the one that gave rise to our universe, with the same physical laws and the same sequence of events from the moment of creation.
Superstring Theory and Membrane Theory
A multiverse of a slightly different kind is envisioned within the framework of extended supergravity, superstring theory, and membrane theory—elegant components of M-theory. In M-theory, our universe and others are formed by collisions between membranes in eleven-dimensional space. Unlike the universes in the quantum multiverse, these universes can have entirely different laws of physics—anything may be possible, and processes or events can occur that we cannot even imagine. The mechanisms for confining particles and forces, driven by certain fundamental particles tied to the membrane, do not apply to gravitational interaction. Gravity, according to the theory, must exist within the full geometry of space-time, as included in the membrane.
Furthermore, a consistent gravitational theory requires a graviton—a particle that mediates and carries gravity. The graviton must be tied to a source of energy, whether this source is limited to a membrane or not. The graviton is also expected to be present in the region encompassing the full geometry of the higher dimensions—a region that could include energy sources in this space. There is a theoretical explanation for why the graviton does not adhere to every membrane, and this is related to string theory. The graviton is associated with closed strings, while only open strings can be anchored and stabilized to a membrane.
Different elementary particles, including superstrings, form and adhere to the membrane. However, a problem arises if the higher dimensions remain invisible to us, at least through conventional means of testing the theory. In fact, membrane theory allows for the consideration of many different internal spaces within hyperspace—spaces as vast as the number of parallel universes that exist, interact, and drift through the multiverse, each with its own unique set of natural laws and distinct physics.
In membrane theory, our universe and others are the result of collisions between membranes in eleven-dimensional space-time. Unlike the quantum multiverse, membrane universes can follow entirely different physical laws. There is no restriction, and anything is possible. Through this theory, all possibilities for their existence and fundamental nature can be realized.