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Love at first sight... How many attempts have been made to explain this phenomenon! To see someone for the first time and immediately fall in love. Often, completely rational people lose their composure because of love at first sight. This can happen in both youth and adulthood.What happens at the moment when two people's eyes meet, and a spark ignites between them? In most cases, this is explained as follows: former "soulmates" meet, who were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relationships in past lives. When they look into each other’s eyes, energy from past lives, recorded in their energy fields, is activated. A "recognition" occurs.
A Karmic Encounter
The relationship begins. There may be real compatibility in tastes, harmony in thoughts, and so on. The whirlwind of emotions sweeps them off their feet. The two may not have known each other in this life, and they might know nothing about their past lives. It seems to them that destiny has played a role in their encounter and in the inexplicable attraction they feel toward each other.
Of course, such a meeting is not accidental. However, the reasons for it can vary greatly. Perhaps they are meant to finish something they didn’t complete in previous lives. They may need time to come to certain realizations. The karmic energy might be drawing them toward each other, though they may not realize it. And it’s by no means guaranteed that this life will bring them a happy love or that they are meant to be spouses. More often than not, the reasons for such meetings are karmic.
When the two meet and "recognize" each other, it seems to them that they share so much in common that fate must have brought them together. They should understand that in the subconscious mind of every person, memories from past lives are stored, and based on that, they begin to form certain expectations of their partner. Their perceptions are connected to qualities and circumstances from the past.
But today, the partner is a completely different person, bearing some resemblance to the previous one but still new, combining characteristics from various past incarnations rather than just one specific life. These two individuals, now in a relationship, think, feel, and act very differently. It’s not necessarily guaranteed that they will continue their past relationship, even if it was a love that lasted a lifetime. When faced with reality, such relationships often fade. The intense attraction dissipates, past and present realities collide, and conflicts arise.
Neutralizing Karma
If the individuals involved are wise enough and if the feelings that have arisen are true and pure, they can find a common language and build their relationship, understanding and feeling the reason that brought them together, and work through it. They can continue their relationship, free from karmic dependence. However, the opposite often happens – people part ways. The karma remains unresolved and carries over to the next reincarnation.
When older men lose their minds over young lovers and leave their families, this may be the reason – a reunion with a former soulmate. Even in families where spouses love each other but constantly experience problems in their relationship, and one or both partners cannot understand or accept their closest person, talks of separation often arise.
Sometimes, it’s easy to part ways and forget. People are often advised to do just that: if you don't feel good with someone, end the relationship. But without understanding the reason for the conflicts, without realizing what lesson we need to learn with this person, without neutralizing the karma and learning the lesson, such a breakup won’t solve the problem. The karma that binds us to this person will remain unchanged and will be carried into the next life. The message it bears will remain unheeded, and the lesson unlearned.
In the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and lesson, and everything will start all over again. Many people avoid the lessons and make the same mistakes. Ask yourself: is this the right path? Wouldn’t it be wiser to approach the understanding of the true reasons behind our relationships with greater awareness and finally cut through the Gordian knot of our karma?